Thursday, June 2, 2011

Scariest Paintings ever... No...really.

I am warning you.  These paintings are very, veeerrrry and reeeaaaaaally scary.  Proceed at your own risk.

Okay, consider yourself warned.

The following are my very first painting as far as I could remember.  Just figured I'd share them.  That's all.

No smart@$$ed comments or jokes, ok...?  Actually, yea, please send me those comments.  I kinda need discouragements.

This is supposed to be Darth Maul.
Um... a bug...I think....actually, yes, a bug.  Not a spider.

No idea, huh?  Matrix fans anyone? guessed right, a Dragon...and, uh, if you'd just understand Chinese, smaller than Bruce Lee.

I thought I'd end the session with a happy one.


  1. I can't decide which one I like best, the yellow snow-covered mountains being attacked by a vengeful red spider-god, or the skateboarding m&m on acid :P

  2. @Portia, thanks...i think i actually like the way you described the bug better than it looks. dayam...i also like the m&m on acid too... XD.
